
学生 规划

学生的计划 is an online resource that provides 学生 and advisors with the tools they need to plan and track progress toward degree completion. 学生可以使用 学生的计划 to:

  • 审查和跟踪学位要求
  • 制定和调整他们的学习计划
  • 注册课程
  • See how credits would apply to a different degree program.

登录到 胜博发连接

  • Choose the 学生的计划 tab from the 胜博发连接 menu




第一步: View your progress toward degree completion using the “My Progress” screen

  • The My Progress screen will show you which 课程 you have completed, 哪些课程正在进行中, 完成学位还需要哪些要求

第二步: 回顾和调整你的学业计划

  • 导航到“计划” & ,然后点击“时间轴”来查看你的 学术计划

第三步: 计划你的时间表

  • Once your 课程 plan is finalized for the upcoming semester, use the Plan & 时间表屏幕,以创建您的课程时间表

步骤四: 使用学生计划注册课程

一步 五个: Meet with your Academic Advisor to review your course selection

The My Progress screen allows you to track progress toward degree completion.

The My Progress screen displays degree requirements as one of the following:

  • 完成
  • 注册
  • 正在进行的
  • 计划
  • 没有开始

You can also use the My Progress screen to view your current major, 累积平均绩点, 以及完成学位所需的总学分.

*Developmental credits do not count toward degree completion and must be manually subtracted from the credit total.

The “View a New Program” button can be used by 学生 considering a change of major.  This function allows you to view the requirements in different majors, and how your current credits fit into these requirements.

导航到“计划” & ,然后点击“时间轴”来查看你的 学术计划

Your 学术计划 shows you the 课程 you need to graduate AND a suggested order to complete these 课程. 你的学业计划让你走上正轨, 帮助你提前完成学位计划, and shows you how long it will take to complete your degree based on how many 课程 you take per semester

Once your course plan is finalized for the upcoming semester, you can plan your course schedule. You can view sections for the upcoming semester once the Schedule of Classes is published.  The Schedule of Classes is published in October for spring registration; December for summer registration; and March for fall registration.

关于“计划” & Schedule” screen, view the semester you would like to schedule.  使用箭头在学期之间移动. You can also add terms to your plan by using the “Add a Term” button on the Timeline View, 或者在这学期计划一门课程.  例如, if you would like to take a course in the Accelerated 五个 Term, 如果你计划在那个学期开设一门课程的话, 该学期将被添加到您的课程计划中.

Click “View Other Sections” to view all the available sections for each course you have planned. Be sure to view all pages for 课程 with multiple sections.

一旦你的学期计划计划好了, you can register for this schedule when registration opens for each term.

查看 学术和注册日历  for important dates for each semester and term, including refund and withdrawal deadlines


  • You can use the “Register Now” button to register for all planned sections in a given term. If you try to register for a lab science lecture or lab section individually, 您将收到一条错误消息, as these sections must be registered simultaneously using the “Register Now” button.
  • 你必须分别注册每学期的课程. 例如, if you have sections planned in the Fall and Accelerated 五个 Terms, you must register for the Fall sections and then register for the Accelerated 五个 Sections.
  • 累积平均分低于2分的学生.0 must meet with an 学术 advisor in order to register for classes.

You can locate and contact your Academic Advisor using 学生的计划.  导航到“计划” & ,然后点击“建议”

需要帮助联系你的导师?  联系咨询办公室 advisingoffice@aieryuwei.net


学生计划在线辅导  -查看我们简短而有用的在线教程!

顾问也会在这里帮助你!  联系咨询办公室 advisingoffice@aieryuwei.net or call the Hub at 732-255-0482 to connect with an advisor.

  • Be aware of the Time, Dates and 位置 for each section you select.
  • “This section has a waitlist” indicates that the section is full, 但是你可以把你的名字加到这个部分的候补名单上
  • “This section is full” indicates the section is full and you cannot register for the section at this time
  • Distance Learning 课程 will appear at the bottom of the calendar schedule

You can also use the filter to narrow course section selection by:

  • 星期几
  • 一天中的时间
  • 教练
  • 位置
  • Modality (In-Person, Distance Learning, Hy-Flex, Hybrid)

亲自到 九号学生招生楼
星期一、星期二和星期四:上午8点.m. 到下午6点.m.
星期三:上午8点.m. 到晚上7点.m.
星期五:上午8点.m. 到5点.m.

电子邮件: advisingoffice@aieryuwei.net
电话: 732 255-0482


职业服务 offers a variety of career resources to help you plan your career path.

使用 握手, 胜博发’s employment database for 学生, alumni, and employers.

胜博发 today to determine the education and training you need to achieve your career goals!
